Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Home Again

I am settling back in to handle my various job responsibilities here on the home front. The trip went well. I met nice people in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I'm hoping to return to New Jersey when the autumn leaves are changing to offer a Crystal Healer Certification Level I and II at Soul Journey in Butler, New Jersey. I've already been asked back, so it seems they were all pleased. Sandi and her beau/leprechaun, Doug, were the hosts with the most! As it was Earth Day weekend there was a soiree of events, vendors, my Angel Sessions, demonstrations and Doug's guitar playing and singing that made for a joyful festive energy. Sandi joined hands with the Health Food store next door and a good time was had by all.

Here at home The Crystal Garden is buzzing with wonderful energy. Many new things came in when I was out of town. My fabulous staff has put out the new CD titles, which is a relief to all of us that are there day in and day out. Although we love all the choices, we've heard them all many times so we are so pleased to have new music to listen to and offer for sale to our customers.

I was definitely presented with a few challenges today. Interesting energy - trying my patience. There were at least 3 situations in various aspects of the business that seemed to be a test. (They were only a test because if it were a real emergency I would have been notified!)

Only once did I let myself get hooked in and react to the situation and self-corrected pretty quickly. The other two bothersome and inappropriate challenges were so clear that I was able to decide to detach from the situation and decided not to engage! I made a conscious choice in 2 situations to not play the game and unhooked the hook from my energy field as well as the energy field of The Crystal Garden. I chose not to buy into the drama getting created - so by not participating in it, it dissipated! Voila! Poof!

In one case I just flat out cancelled an event that was scheduled in May because it became evident that it wasn't in alignment with what my statement of intention is for my store and center - AND because the challenging people associated with it just couldn't adhere to my policies and procedures. It's challenging sometimes because it appears that people find it hard to digest that a store like The Crystal Garden is a real business with real business policies and procedures! If I didn't have policies and procedures clearly in place I probably wouldn't still be in business - for 20 years now. Mama Mia!

Now it's time to put some attention on a few other businesses that I run and then onto my book. I always have to "clear the decks" in order to get to the book. I was grateful to have written over 6000 words while I was at the country house in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I must get back in that mode very soon as there is a deadline for the manuscript to the publishing house. I know and trust it will be done in plenty of time and I have all the angels, Crystal Guardians and muses on my side so that when I do sit to write it just pours out of me. It's a very dynamic process and experience.

I believe it is time for rest now.
Good Night and Pleasant Dreams,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Margaret! Thought I would drop in and see what you write about. Anyway, thanks for putting my books out. Don't really expect them to sell there (which is why I only sent two) and I appreciate you putting something in your store which doesn't exactly go with your "motif". Still, humor is good for everyone in one way or another, even if it is corporate humor. Thanks again. Warm regards...T.T. Douglas