As promised, I'm posting a photo of the new label of Smudge in Spray. I've submitted it for a COVR Visionary Award. If it wins, I will receive the award at the banquet at the International New Age Trade Show (INATS) in Denver in June. COVR is the acronym for the Coalition of Visionary Resources. If you have a visionary business, this trade organization helps this trade find success through various programs and member benefits.
So, the new label is professional. It was created by a professional graphic artist, Victoria Rose Martin. I constantly sing her praises. The high gloss label will prevent fading or wash out. They look very nice. I am so pleased.
We are receiving a great response from retailers around the country. The spray sells well and retailers are re-ordering often. They also sell all day long at The Crystal Garden. It seems that most purchasers add on Smudge in Spray with their order. If you know of a store near you who might like to carry this spray, please have them contact me at The Crystal Garden. I've been working on developing the wholesale website. For right now, I'm using http://www.margaretannlembo.com/
Use this sacred blend to clear your space of negativity in place of smoking smudge products. Maintain clear thoughts of clearing any negativity thoughts, feelings or emotions that may be lingering from conversations, fights and thoughtforms of worry, doubt and fear. Spray and pray that it is replaced with Love, Light and Well-Being.
Ingredients: Water, sage, cedar, lavender, sweet marjoram, pine, Florida Water, Chalice Well Water from Glastonbury, England; Sacred Site Essences from Teotihuacán; church of St. Germaine in France, Lanzon in Chauvin, Peru; and water from the spring of the last home of the Virgin Mother Mary in Anatolia, Ephesus, Turkey.
Now I'm working on Guardian Angel Spray for Children. I'm working with a prototype and should have a blend soon. I'll share more on that as it develops.
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