Friday, January 4, 2008

Moving right along

Well, it does seem to be back to the drawing board, the desk, the grind or whatever you want to call it. I have been exceptionally productive lately which always makes me feel good. I'm preparing for a number of events that I'll be facilitating. The next one is tomorrow night, Sat, 1/5 at Simply Yoga in Delray Beach. I'll be facilitating a Drumming Circle which is always profound and transformational.

I'm also getting ready for my talk that I'll be doing at the International New Age Trade Show. I'm one of the Pre-Show Seminar speakers and I'll be talking about Crystals and helping other retailers like myself to know the gemstones better and have the tools to sell them better. I love to talk about gemstones.

So, let's talk gemstones for a moment. What is your favorite gemstones? Or what gemstone are you attracted to carrying or wearing these days? I always love diamonds. You know that they carry the full spectrum of light, just like Clear Quartz Crystals and therefore, they magnify your thoughts and your intentions. They are great stones for manifesting and attracting what you want in your life. I was recently gifted with a white topaz ring. White topaz is similar to the vibrations of any clear stone. It brings clarity and focus to manifesting all your desires into reality.

Of course I offer classes on Crystals and Gemstones at The Crystal Garden. I will be teaching a Crystal Healer Certification in Feb at The Crystal Garden and one in March in Coral Gables (Miami) at the Self-Enrichment Center.

Tell me. . . . what stone would you like me to write about?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

Today I am nurturing my 94 year old Dad. He has a cold or a flu. He's not feeling so great but I am hand feeding him chicken soup and hoping he'll get the energy to sit at the table for our traditional New Year's meal.

I follow the tradition that my Mom set in motion. Today we are having a Pork roast which I seasoned to resemble Pernil. MMMMM . . . . the house smells so good. We have pork to honor that we will be only looking forward and not looking back at what is no longer. Pigs can only look forward. They can not turn their heads to look behind them.

We also have Black Eyed peas. I think Mom got this idea from a southern cooking magazine years ago. It's a southern tradition to eat Black Eyed peas to symbolize coins or prosperity.

And the third necessary item on the menu is dark green leafy greens. I chose Broccoli Rabe. I saute it with plenty of garlic and olive oil, some garlic salt, and today I added Adobo seasoning in honor of the Pernil. The reason for the dark green leafy vegetables is for adding health and wealth. Health like the green herbs of healing and Wealth like our green money.

Please share some of your New Year traditions. I love rituals and traditions.

Happy New Year!