Sunday, December 27, 2009
Recapitulation: A year in review
In the Toltec spiritual philosophy, the spiritual practice of recapitulation aids us in observing our life and behavior. Recapitulation is the action of recollecting your life including the emotions you felt surrounding the events. This procedure is self-healing. After all, hindsight is 20/20 and you can gain a much greater perspective of yourself, your life and the lives of those around you. You can learn from your own successes and failures. Because you create your own reality, it would behoove you to look back at what worked and what didn't.
Self-observation is a valuable tool for self-improvement. The observation shall not be confused as judgement. Judgement doesn't work well for self-improvement, but the actual objective observer can learn from the past and tweak behaviors, thoughts and action for the future.
To do this, simply take some time to contemplate the past year. Use your journal or a simple sheet of paper to list some of the events of the last year. As you write, pause to contemplate the events that impacted your life. Use this tool to improve and make changes for your future. This tool prepares you for the intentional creation of your reality. You will be much clearer as to what you do not want and much clearer as to what you DO want!
Shortly after the clock strikes 12 midnight, it's time to establish intentions for the the New Year. If you take the time to recapitulate 2009, you will be better prepared to create reality for 2010.
Of course, I have some events I'll be offering to assist you in these processes. On Wednesday, December 30, 2009 I'll be facilitating a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Drumming Circle to drum away the old and welcome in 2010. On Monday, January 4, 2010 come to 2010 READY, SET, GOAL!! INTENTIONAL CREATION OF REALITY. I'll share about vibrational matching, using your imagination and you'll set goals and experience a guided imagery meditation. Both of these events will be at The Crystal Garden.
To find out about all the upcoming events at The Crystal Garden, visit our calendar of events online.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
'Tis the Season

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Sites and Sounds of The Crystal Garden
Here are 2 videos.
This one is a walk through the Bird Room.
This video is a walk through the Book Room.
I LOVE The Crystal Garden!
Come in person!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
11:11:11 - Awakening Gateways of Consciousness

The assemblage point is a center focus point on which we create our personal reality. When the assemblage point shifts due to circumstances and changes in our lives and our world, it enables us to re-create reality and how we dream our world. There are many spiritual schools that teach that our life here on planet Earth is a dream. By shifting our awareness, observing our selves and our focus on self-importance, we are better able to connect with what is the dream and what is our reality.
11:11 is the code for the opening of the gateway of consciousness within our DNA. It is the code that many have been seeing on our digital clocks, watches and more. Many us have participated in ceremonies over the years to activate the doorway of Higher Consciousness into Light and Love on key dates such at 1-11-92 and 11-11-92. This activation of the 11:11 and any double number is actually a very positive thing, e.g. 77, 33, 44, etc. These double digit numbers are Master Numbers and bring us messages. Actually, any sequences of numbers that we consistently become aware of seeing, are messages from our angel helpers. Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue provides the meanings of various number sequences. Another favorite book on numerology.
The 11:11 is a password or activation tool to help us to remember who we truly are. Who are we truly? We are Love and Light. We are Peace, Joy and Happiness. We are here to remember our truth. This 11:11 began appearing with the advent of development of liquid crystal display and digitally displayed clocks. It was when our technology reached a certain point that we were predestined to begin to remember our Divinity. The 11:11 is a key and a trigger so that we may remember.
Looking into numerology, 11 is a Master Number. Master numbers offer master accomplishments. According to Dusty Bunker’s book, Numerology and the Divine Triangle: “ As an 11, you can draw upon the cosmic forces for inspiration and for aid in attaining enlightenment and even cosmic consciousness. You feel compassion for all types of people, regardless of their station in life. The desire to uplift people brings out the teacher in you. You are intrigued by ESP, the occult, the mystical and spiritual studies.
As we travel forward through the 21st century, we have many opportunities to develop our spiritual selves. For thousands of years, the feminine has been subjugated. The Divine Feminine energy is entering our planet and is available to draw on. The doorway of opportunity to balance our lives, individually and globally, presents itself now. It is time to balance the masculine and feminine energies. The active principle of the masculine energy when appropriately blended with the passive feminine energy provides peace and harmony within and without.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tween Time: Cross-quarters

In the past, I used to facilitate the Sacred Circle Gathering in Ocala National Forest at Camp Ocala. I offered the Gathering for 13 years on the first weekend of November. It was a very profound experience. It consisted of ceremonies to release negativity using smudging, drumming and rattling around the fire circle. We always created Prayer Ties which are small bundles of tobacco strung together. We made 7 bundles based on a Native American tradition. We put our prayers into the tobacco with our intention and then we wore those 7 ties hanging over our left ear for the whole weekend until the closing ceremony as a reminder to maintain prayerfulness.
I also facilitated various experiences throughout the weekend to help people connect with their power animal, trust exercises, meditations and time to play and relax by the lake. The 2 biggest events over the weekend involved building a medicine wheel and the Crystal Grid and Alignment.
The Crystal Grid and Alignment is a powerful guided meditation with 20 - 60 people. It involves creating sacred geometry with the participants laying in a particular one dimensional tetrahedron or merkabah-like formation. I connected the participants by laying gemstones on and around the body. I used my beautiful private collection of gemstones for this experience.
Through sound and guided imagery we expanded the tetrahedron to create a full 3 dimensional seal of Solomon -or a full expansion of the interlocking triangles. The intention for the meditation is to transform and transmute any energies that are no longer needed for the participants. Once achieved we used those transformed vibrations to bring balance, love and an activation of the grids of light and love to the whole planet.
And the weekend was always dedicated to connection with our ancestors - those who have walked on this path before us. It is a time of great power to connect with the wisdom of the elders and the ancient ones.

How will you honor your ancestors during this cross-quarter?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Walking the cycles of life

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Words of Wisdom from Papa Bear

In a nutshell, his advice was as follows: "Pray for all the good things in your life. Remember them and forget about the rest. Forget about the people who were bad to you. They just didn't know better and they probably didn't mean it anyway. Have memories of all the good things in your life. - and there are many things that are good in your life. If you need guidance, ask God. But you have to ask. It is important to help people. People need to ask for help. Help as many people as you can. And remember all the good things in your life."
Thanks, Dad! We all appreciate the words of wisdom! It's important to listen to the words of wisdom from our elders. They have many years of experience and know the truth. Well, at least I feel that way about my Papa Bear!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Re-Entry after Vacation
Instead I'll post a photo or 2 of my vacation to Hermosa, Colorado.

My favorite time was when Maria and I gathered seeds of all kinds from her amazing garden. Yesterday I planted Holly Hock and Snap Dragon seeds in my front garden. I tried the telepathically explain the change in altitude from 6800 ft down to sea level. I'm holding the vision that the seeds will germinate and become beautiful flowering plants!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Bird Watching
Monday, August 24, 2009
Changes in altitude
Monday, July 20, 2009
Editing . . .
I haven't been getting all my normal work responsibilities done. Finally over the past 4 days I've started to find myself again. The intensity of loved ones failing or passing over left me emotionally raw. Through sunshine, rest, swimming and a tiny bit of gardening I've regenerated myself. Most of the work responsibilities are accomplished and now I'm free to edit my manuscript.
I have a book under Publishing Agreement with Llewellyn Worldwide. This is my first time as an author publishing with a large publishing house. In order to provide a good final manuscript I have hired an editor to help me finalize the project. The majority of the work is done and now the process of tweaking, removing non-essential anecdotal stories and molding it into a professional book is at hand. I've started working on the edit sent back to me by this fabulous editor and I am enjoying the process.
Because I already have a heavy workload, I've had to cross off all the days that I have free and made an appointment with my manuscript. I'm looking forward to finishing it so we can go through another round of editing. I didn't know that birthing a book was such a process and I'm happy to be learning the process.
So enough dilly dallying writing in my blog . . . . off to the manuscript I go!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Off to the Mile High City

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Soul Food

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Life has ups and downs
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Flowers are blooming

Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Sloppy Gardener

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Prayer is Powerful

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Past Lives and Regression Therapy: Spiritual Healing
Reincarnation, Karma and Past Lives
Understanding the role of reincarnation and karma can enlighten you in your present incarnation. It also provides a route to develop yourself and that of your family so that you leave this world a better place. Remembering a past life can bring a greater understanding of yourself and what you have come back to learn. A past life regression is a therapeutic tool that helps you remember your purpose and learn the meaning of your life today.
• Who were you prior to this lifetime?
• Where did you live?
• Have the people in your life been with you before?
• Why are you coming back together with people from your past lives?
• Why do we reincarnate?
• What legacies have you left behind in a prior lifetime that affects you individually as well as your family, community and society?
• What karma are you balancing for your grandparents, parents and other ancestors?
Understanding the answers to these questions has assisted me in knowing my own true nature. It is a process of uncovering layers within these questions as I grow, learn and remember my destiny. I continue to contemplate the similarities and differences in destiny and karmic retribution. It’s hard to say if I will ever truly know all the answers on the many levels available, but it is my intention to continue to strive to understand myself and others and what I have returned to accomplish. With these realizations and continued focus on delving into my truth, I have found greater compassion for myself when my humanness shows through and greater compassion for others in their humanness as they work through their processes.
I encourage you now to do the same.
Clear Karma
When you chose to move to return to this planet, you knew in that moment of choice from your heavenly perspective, that you must clear your karma of past lifetimes, as well as your familial karma, and reconnect with your true spirit.
Have you ever wondered why certain things have happened to you, your family and others in your life? It’s those life circumstances that seem to come out of nowhere that create havoc, chaos, illness, sudden death or other tragedies that make no sense. It’s like that question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” By the time you are done with this chapter, you will have a better clue as to the answer of that question.
The Choice
Prior to your descent to this planet, you had a clear description of the purpose for coming here. During that time of being in “heaven” or “the other side,” you were able to see and know all that you have done in your past lives and what you must do in the future to clear and rectify all that you or your ancestors have done. While on the “other side,” you also chose your circumstances of parents, life situations like wealth vs. poverty, single vs. married with children, etc. for this lifetime.
When you chose to move to this planet, you knew in that moment of choice from your heavenly perspective, that you must clear your karma of past lifetimes, as well as your familial karma, and reconnect with your true spirit. When you made the choice for planet Earth, you also knew you had a responsibility to not only clear your own karma and reconnect with your spirit, you also agreed to assist others in this process as soon as you were aware enough. It is a responsibility that you have taken on in lifting up this planet.
From a heavenly perspective, your Divine Mission was very clear. As you descended through matter onto the planet, those things that were once very clear were forgotten. The veil was put into place and you now have a lifetime to work towards lifting that veil and finding the truth within your heart. The knowing and all the answers are stored in your energy field, your bones, muscles and cells.
Once you arrive here on the planet, you are faced with choices daily. These choices often bring lessons. And, interestingly, each choice that you make creates an action. Each action creates consequences. Some of these consequences create karma. And the wheel, it goes round and round.
Often the biggest lessons are presented to you through your closest friends and family. They challenge you and you challenge them with your behavior, attitudes, lack of respect, self-centered-ness and attitudes. When you are challenged or challenging, it is often from a basis of fear and greed. If you choose to honor your friends and family with loving kindness and respect, then you are thinking, feeling and acting with your heart in alignment with Love. Stay in Love and it lessons the chances of creating karma and allows for the dissolution of karma.
The benefit of experiencing a Past Life Regression provides you an opportunity to heal and shift your reality into something more positive. I have found that when someone is ready to heal recurring patterns or issues they will ask for a regression. In some cases, people don't actually go into a past life but into an earlier time in this lifetime. The experience often catapults the person into a experience that will open an opportunity to heal the underlying cause. That cause may exist earlier in this lifetime or another lifetime. So your consciousness takes you where you need to go to have a realization and heal the underlying cause once and for all.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Earth Centered Spirituality

Monday, April 20, 2009
Gardening for the Soul

- Crown - white calla lily
- Third Eye - African Violet
- Throat - periwinkle blue plumbago
- Heart - pink roses
- Solar Plexus - sunflowers
- Navel - orange marigolds
- Root - Red Geraniums

Gardening is grounding and yet highly spiritual at the same time. I am grateful I have a yard so I can pull weeds of the past and plant seeds for the future. I enjoy watering the gardening, fertilizing and nurturing each and every plant and tree. I am grateful!
Learning New Things
The bills are paid and with the online bill paying option with my banks and the automatic electronic download, life is so much easier. I don't have to sit with many checkbooks, handwriting checks anymore! It's all streamlined. Wow! I could've, should've, would've done that a while ago if I just listen to Rosetta! But now it is done and I am very happy. No more envelopes, addressing and stamping! I am free!
I hope to start blogging on a more regular basis again now that the bookkeeping is done.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Healing the planet one Spritz at a time!
I am also introducing my latest positive thought CD - Think Good Thoughts - at INATS West in Denver. I decided to have new professional labels made for the line of essential oils. I've been inundating my graphic artist friend, Victoria, with lots of work. Labels, ads for the Trade Show Directory, Ads for New Age Retailer Magazine and Aura Magazine. The list goes on and on.
As the president of a national trade organization, COVR - Coalition of Visionary Resources - I have plenty to do. I'm working with my colleague, Caryn Colgan, to finalize the Presenters Referral Program within COVR. You have to be a COVR member to reap the benefits. If you are a retailer, publisher, publicist, vendor, artist, author, speaker, distributor in a visionary business then you really need to join COVR.
It looks like Whole Foods in Florida is picking up my newest CD and possibly Smudge in Spray. Now I just need to manifest Sales Reps in other regions of the country who sell to Whole Foods. My CDs have sold VERY well at Whole Foods. I love to see my Color Meditation or my Short Meditations for Busy People CD by the cash register next to Aretha Franklin at the check out line. Mama Mia! Way Cool!
I've also been giving an extraordinary amount of time to learning Quickbooks for the various companies I manage. So, my bookkeeping skills from the days of Banking and Finance are being tweaked. Between networking, new programs and graphic art work - the geekette in me is in her glory.
I'm off to Yoga. Yoga keeps me strong, focused and sane. (and a nicer person - breathe deeply and go!)
Angelic Blessings!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Spring Cleaning - Round 2

- Relationships and Love
- Creativity and Children
- Helpful People and Travel
I'm not a Feng Shui expert yet I am an enthusiast of the ancient art of moving energy with intention. As we continue to clean, organize and shift, I am sure I'll see the effects in all of these areas. I'll let you know what evolves!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Gemstone Do-Over!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Crystals and Gemstones
The color and vibration of each of the gemstones relate to and balance one or more of the chakras. There are seven basic energy centers within and around you known as chakras. Each of these energy centers regulates aspects of yourself on a physical, spiritual, mental and emotional level. You want to keep these energy centers in alignment to maintain overall health and well-being. Using a color or chakra meditation is helpful as well as the use of gemstones.
Using gemstones is easy.
Simply carrying the stone in your pocket or purse and touching it from time to time during the day brings your awareness back to your goal or intention. Placing it in your pillow case at night or on your desk where you can see it is another way incorporates it in your life. A tumbled gemstone is small enough to carry in your pocket or put into your pillow case without weighing you down. They are pretty and affordable, too! Of course, wearing gemstone jewelry like a necklace, bracelet or earrings is very effective and attractive as well. Here are a few gemstones you may want to consider.
Selenite helps to align you with higher consciousness. As you develop spiritually it is beneficial to allow yourself to listen to or sense guidance from your higher self, spirit guides or angels. This stone opens the crown chakra to receive transmissions of information and wisdom. On a physical level it helps with the spine, bone and muscular structure of the body. Selenite is a white stone, though recently I have found red selenite (it looks orange to me) that can re-align the emotional structure of one’s consciousness.
Charoite is a stone that helps to open your consciousness to higher spiritual thought. The purple coloring aids in protection on all levels and for the transformation and transmutation of negativity. The negativity it transforms is not only from outside sources but also from your own negative thoughts that you may not even be aware of. Therefore, charoite is an excellent stone to help you become more conscious in general. As you become more conscious you are able to step onto your spiritual path and consciously move forward assisting others on their path.
Jade is good fortune and good luck. Everything about this stone is good. It promotes loyalty, financial success, synchronicity, excellent health and anything else you can associate with love, joy, happiness and success. The green energy promotes overall well being. Carry this always!
Rhodochrosite opens the heart to give and receive love. You may feel that you are a loving person and yet I would like to have you ask yourself how you are about receiving love, attention and blessings. You may think you are good at receiving yet how do you feel about receiving and allowing loving relationships, close connections, intimate relationships and trusting in the full process of love and relationships. This stone is not just about romantic love but the kind of friendships that are balanced, deep and fulfilling. If you are having some challenges with allowing friends or family into your heart and your physical sacred space then you may want to bring some of the pink energy of rhodochrosite into your energy field. Life is too short to keep people at arm’s distance. Open your heart and allow love!
Amber comes in various shades of golden yellow. It is actually petrified pine resin. Amber helps to allow the energies of love and closeness as mentioned above while still maintaining the appropriate levels of boundaries in relationships. There is a fine balance in combining your energy fields with others. Amber helps maintain a healthy balance by protecting you from energy vampires. It cleanses your aura. Amber is also a balancer of self-esteem and self-confidence.
Experiment with these and other gemstones for yourself. Remember, it is the power of your intention, positive thoughts as well as the color, vibration and mineral content that effectuate the change you want in your life.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Babysitting and Pictures of my Children

Monday, March 23, 2009
Space Clearing

As you do this, you will begin to observe the magical manifestation of your actions in the world around you. You will have the clarity to see what relationships may no longer work and the courage to take the action necessary to rectify it. You will have the space to create that new baby or to write that book. You will have the energy to integrate an exercise program because the old energy is no longer weighing you down. You will have created the space to allow for new friendships to develop or a new beloved to enter your life. If you build it, they will come. Build your field of dreams and be sure you have weeded and cleared the land first, so you begin with a fresh new place to plant the seeds of your life.
May we have the motivation to take the first step to clearing out the old stagnant things and energies of our life. May we honor ourselves enough to make our space clear, clean, magical, and loving. May we respect ourselves so that we have the courage to let go of relationships that do not respect us. May we always remember to put Love into every action we take, whether it is letting go of what no longer honors us or inviting in the new magical manifestations that we create.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tools to Awaken Consciousness

Guardian Angel Spray for Children
. . . And adults too!
Use this spray to bring pleasant dreams, invoke angels to guard you while you sleep, and bring liquid light to chase away things invisible in the night. Spray it around you and your space. Remember you are always surrounded by Angels of Love and Light!
Ingredients: Water, Mandarin, Orange, Lime, Angelica, Benzoin, Vanilla Extract, Chalice Well Water from Glastonbury, England, Spring Water from Mother Mary’s home in Anatolia, Ephesus, Turkey, Bach Flower Mimulus and Rock Rose Essence, Gemstone Tinctures of Kunzite, Selenite, Amethyst and Apophyllite.
Made with Love by Margaret Ann Lembo. For External Use Only
Awaken Consciousness Spray
Spray around your space with the intention to live, to act and to be your Divine Self. Use this spray to increase your awareness, clear your mind and awaken Higher Consciousness. Improve your intuition, your Divine Timing, your meditation experience and your belief in Unlimited Possibilities!