I'm in Portland now. I really like the energy here. New Renaissance Bookshop is really lovely. It is a store that is very similar to The Crystal Garden. This store is in 3 old 2-story houses. One of the houses is where the event center is located. The other 2 are for the actual merchandise and readings. I'll be reading there today.
I must say that although it never stopped raining in Bellingham I did like it there. I know I would have loved it more with a bit of warmth and sunshine! We stayed in the home of a dear friend with her cat, Oliver. Oliver was very talkative and enjoyed as much petting as we would care to provide.

Bellingham is the home of Wise Awakening. We experienced the Interdimensional Sound Chamber there. That was a really profound experience.
And as coincidence would have it, I was able to sit with Sha Na Ra, the Crystal Skull that is now owned by the Nick Nocerino family. Kirby, the caretaker, had it with him and I was able to connect with him and the skull just an hour before his departure. This is the 2nd crystal skull I've had the pleasure to connect with. Back in around 1995, Max - the skull - was brought to The Crystal Garden for a showing and meditation. In fact, Nick Nocerino was there that day as well.
So, even amidst the rain and cold there are many blessings. Today will be 68 degrees and I'm pleased. After my day of readings I look forward to enjoy the neighborhood and find a quaint restaurant in one of the old houses on the avenue.
Blessings from the road!
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