Sunday, February 22, 2009
Recapturing Past Traditions with Macaroni!

Friday, February 20, 2009
Essential Oils - A Pretty Piicture

Networking on Another Level
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Good Signal, Good Coffee - How Sweet It Is!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Subtle Bodies

Friday, February 13, 2009
Wouldn't it be fabulous to have cravings for yoga INSTEAD of food!? I think I'll dedicate my practice today to the intention of replacing cravings for food with cravings for yogic activities! What a novel idea.
I've been practicing yoga for about 27 years. The experience feed my spirit, calms and balances my mind and emotions and helps my physical body regain core strength. While in certain postures I get images of my muscles being rung out like a wet dish rag. This image helps me release toxins residing in all my subtle bodies.
Yes, I said subtle bodies. So I'll leave you with that metaphysical cliff hanger and blog on a bit later . . . . off to yoga!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Designing Labels

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Novels, Novels, Everywhere

Tweaking This and That
I do like to work on the website. I use Front Page and it's all quite simple. I really don't know anything about html so Front Page is the way to go for me.
The events portion of my business accounts for 1/3 of our revenues. That proves to me that people are ready, willing and able to improve themselves events of a spiritual or self-help nature. Many people are extremely challenged financially, yet they do want to invest money in their own happiness and self-fulfillment. It makes me happy we are able to serve. There is a long line up of events which you can view on our website www.thecrystalgarden.com which is where I like to tweak this and that.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Missing my Gemstone Oracle

- charoite wedge,
- sugilite I bought in Glastonbury, England,
- danburite,
- various fetishes from Dineh reservations
- rubellite
- faceted citrine
- faceted smokey quartz
- reverse watermelon tourmaline
- 3 tumbled peridot
- oh and so many more from Ederoberstein, Germany, Mt. Ida, Arkansas and so on. . . . sigh . . . .
Se la vie! The lesson of non-attachment is working just fine.
I did my first session with a new Voyager Tarot Deck, 4 new decks of Angel Oracle cards and a new collection of Gemstones. I still must make friends with these new stones and pull from my private collection again.
My initial reaction was to change every single password for every single account I have - after calling the police, of course. I did learn the importance of saving receipts and serial numbers in a separate place. For some reason, I did have a copy of the laptop receipt along with the serial number. Let's see if it helps with finding it again. At least I have something to document for the insurance claim.
I have my intuition or angels to thank. I had been getting a message that my laptop was going to go. I thought the message meant that my laptop would crash. Nope - it went but not the way I thought! Thank goodness I bought a new one just before the new year and transferred all my files using Laplink program. All is well and safe and sound! Whew! My manuscript is on my laptop. I've emailed my manuscript to the editor and myself so at least it's sitting in cyberspace for retrieval.
Yes, I am grateful. Once the initial shock wore off, I actually felt sadness for the person who had to take the action of breaking my rear passenger window to take the laptop and my Kate Spade pocketbook filled with gemstones and Angel Oracles. I felt they may have had a life of violence or neglect. Who are the parents to that child? What drives a person to act out in such a manner? I thank God/Goddess for my many blessings.
And, I also am grateful that no one was hurt and they just attacked my vehicle. My SUV was parked in the parking lot of The Crystal Garden where I've parked it for about 20 years. I think there has been only one incident in 20 years other than this one. So, the blessing is they stayed outside, grabbed and ran and didn't bother anyone else in the process.
All is well. Now I pause for a moment of prayer for the person or people that performed this act. May they find peace, help, love and balance and do no harm. May they find fit employment and make enough money in an honest way in order to care for themselves and their loved ones.
Margaret Ann Lembo